Mattress Border Machine

Mattress border machine is used to securely attach the edges or borders of a mattress to its main body, ensuring the mattress has a robust structure and a neat appearance. From double border sergers, measure, cut and mark machines, to decorative border machines, our range of border machines is designed to provide mattress manufacturers with efficient and reliable solutions for a wide variety of mattress sizes and types.

With meticulous engineering design and high-quality manufacturing processes, our mattress border machines guarantee superior performance and stability. These machines employ advanced automation technology to quickly and precisely fix the mattress border, ensuring that each mattress has an even and firm border. In addition, our mattress border machines have flexible design and adjustment options to accommodate various mattress sizes and types for different manufacturing needs.

We continuously research the requirements of the mattress manufacturing industry to provide customers with efficient and reliable solutions. With our expertise in mattress border machines, we can provide our customers not only efficient machinery but also comprehensive support and guidance.




    Foshan Zhonglian Machinery Co,.LTD.

    We are always providing our customers with reliable products and considerate services.

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